
“It is immensely rewarding to see our vision of establishing a pioneering scientific forum for formalizing research on low-cost technologies coming to fruition. Despite this being only our second workshop, we are witnessing a remarkable surge in participation and clear global trends in research efforts dedicated to low-cost approaches for industrial digitalization, especially aimed at empowering small and medium enterprises. Together, we are shaping a future where industrial digitalization is accessible to all, fostering innovation and driving economic growth worldwide.”

The event was endorsed by IFAC TC5.1 Manufacturing Plant Control and supported by the University of Cambridge (Dept. Of Engineering, IFM Engage, IFM), POLIMI School of Management, University of Nottingham (Institute for Advanced Manufacturing).
This year’s proceedings will be published and indexed by IET (Gold Open Access), find out more about the Agenda and Speakers here:
Low-Cost Digital Solutions for Industrial Automation (cam.ac.uk)
If you are interested in finding out how your company or organisation can get involved in the Shoestring programme, or would like to know more, we would love to hear from you!
Please email us at contact@digitalshoestring.net.